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Finding the Right Tribe Can Help Your Writing Journey Flourish

Feb 26, 2024

I was recently an invited author to the 22nd Annual Children's Book Breakfast hosted by Andersons Bookshop. What a day!

It has been a while since I have been in one room with 600 lovers of books for young readers. I ate, laughed, shared stories, listened to a few mentor writers, took photos, met new people, and signed copies of my books.

The entire experience was awe-inspiring.

At some point during the morning, I thought about the importance of finding a tribe, specifically the right tribe of like-minded folks who can positively impact your journey.

As writers, our journey can often feel like a solitary endeavor. We spend hours alone with our thoughts, crafting stories, and honing our craft. In my experience, surrounding myself with other writers has helped push my creativity.

A writing tribe is more than just a group of fellow writers – it's a supportive community that shares your passion for storytelling and encourages you to thrive.

How can the right tribe help you? 

  1. Inspiration and Motivation: Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who are also passionate about writing can be incredibly inspiring. Whether it's through shared successes, encouraging words, or collaborative projects, being part of a writing tribe can ignite your creativity and fuel your motivation to keep pushing forward.

  2. Feedback and Growth: One of the most valuable aspects of being part of a writing tribe is the opportunity for feedback and constructive criticism. Trusted peers can offer fresh perspectives on your work, pointing out strengths and areas for improvement that you may not have noticed. This feedback is invaluable for growth as a writer and can help you refine your skills and elevate your craft.

  3. Accountability and Support: Writing can be a rollercoaster of emotions – from the highs of inspiration to the lows of self-doubt. Having a writing tribe by your side provides a built-in support system to cheer you on during tough times and celebrate your victories along the way. Additionally, accountability within the group can help you stay on track with your goals and commitments, ensuring that you continue to progress in your writing journey.

Finding new friends is tough. So, how do you find the right writing tribe for you?

Support your local bookshop! and explore local writing groups, online communities like ours, and social media platforms dedicated to writers. Attend writing workshops, conferences, or literary events where you can connect with fellow writers and forge meaningful relationships. Don't be afraid to reach out and introduce yourself – you never know where you might find your tribe. I have never met a writer friend who was not open to connecting.

Finding the right tribe can be a game-changer for your writing journey.

From inspiration and motivation to feedback and support, being part of a writing community can provide the encouragement and camaraderie you need to flourish as a writer.

So, I challenge you...go find your "right" tribe!

Happy writing!